Thursday, 24 April 2014

Kabir-Dohe - 6

काल करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब ।
पल में प्रलय होयेगी, बहुरि करेगा कब। 

Kaal kare so aaj kar, aaj kare so ab,
pal me pralay hoegi, bahuri karega kab.

अर्थ:-  कल जो करने वाले हो आज करो, आज जो करने वाले हो वो अभी,
          पल भर में ही प्रलय  हो जायेगी , फिर कभी पूरा नहीं कर पाओगे.

Meaning:- Tomorrow's work do today, Today work now,
                   if you keep waiting, job will be done how.

In this Doha, Kabir has clearly to explain the human tendency of laziness and procrastination. It is a known fact that we all tend to postpone matters, we are indecisive and given a choice we would like others to be doing work and we simply enjoying a cool time. When it comes to us, we try to get away by saying, "Very busy, no time." Don't we?
This lethargy is what Kabir is condemning. Besides, according to me, his emphasis is on NOW, the present, the moment as it is. Now, that is Life, the moment. It is in the NOW, in the spontaneous ness that one gets energized to do, to achieve, to realize. As they say, it is NOW or NEVER.
Keeping this context in mind, this Kabir Doha clearly teaches us to shed all procrastination and lethargy. It motivates us to do whatever we have to do, and do it now. If we will keep postponing it, then the work will never be done.

kabir-dohe - 5

जाति न पूछो साधु की , पुछि लीजिये ज्ञान । 
मोल करो तलवार का, पड़ा रहन दो म्यान ॥

Jaati na pucho sadhu ki, puch lijiye gyan,
Moal karo talwar ka, pada rehan do myan.

अर्थ :- किसी साधु से उसकी जाती मत पूछो , पूछना ह तो उसका ज्ञान पूछ लो,
           जैसे मोल-भाव तलवार का करना चाहिए, म्यान का नहीं

 Meaning;-  Do not ask caste of a holy man, ask his wisdom,
                    Bargain the price of sword, leave alone the scabbard

Fools will discuss caste and sadhus/holy man here. But this doha is one of my favorite and have very basic teaching of past which is unfortunately  lost today. Here Kabir is saying a good man's identity doest matter(NOT ONLY CASTE), like who he is, where he is from, which family he belongs to, what he do, all these just doesn't matter , what matters is, Is is talking sense. 
Thats why he said bargain for the sword, not scabbard. So go for the important thing, and leave whats not important.

 Identity of person is not important, his wisdom is.

So its words/views/actions which are important not the person. i.e., If any good person is saying bad thing stand against it and if any bad person is saying good thing support it. Support/revolt is not for/against person but views/action or words.


Wednesday, 23 April 2014

kabir-dohe - 4

साईं इतना दीजिए , जा मे कुटुम समाय ।
मै  भी भूखा न रहूँ, साधु ना भूखा जाय ॥

Sai itna dijiye, jaa me kutumb samaye,
main bhi bhukha na rahu, sadhu na bhukha jaye.

 अर्थ : -हे भगवन मुझे इतना ही धन दीजिये, जिससे मैं अपना परिवार सकुशल चला सकु,
न तो मुझे ही भूखा सोना पड़े न ही मरे द्वार पर आये अथिति भी भूखा  न जाये। 

Meaning:- God, don’t give me too much, but enough to take care of my family, and the ones coming to me, should not go empty stomach”

 Oh Lord, give me so much that all needs of my family are taken care of, I do not have to starve and any Sadhu or a learned man or a guest coming to my house should be fed. This Saakhi is very relevant in today's world. If you, your family and your guests are taken care of, do you really need more. Anything more than that feeds only your ego. An important thing to be noticed in this Saakhi is the order in which Kabir puts the needs. These can also be read as the order in which a householder needs to take care of people - first the family, then self and then the guest.

Kabir-dohe - 3

दुःख में सुमिरन सब करे सुख में करै न कोय।
जो सुख में सुमिरन करे तो दुःख काहे को होय ॥

 Dukh me sumiran sab kare, sukh me kare na koe ,

Jo sukh me sumiran kare, to dukh kahe ko hoe.


अर्थ : दुख में तो सब भगवन तो याद करते है, पर सुख में कोई नहीं करता,

अगर हम सुख  में भी भगवन को याद करे तो दुःख कभी आएगा ही नही ।  

Meaning :  In sorrow, all remember him (God) but nobody does so in happiness.
If remembered in happiness, how could you be sad.


There is some super power which we name as God. No matter we worship or not, we will have equal amount of happiness and sorrows, failures & success. The nature works in a cycle, if we have made someone sad/hurt, we will have to face sorrows with interest, so with happiness. Without failures and sorrows life is not a life, to grow we need these.
In addition, we've become so selfish that, we worship God to have something. This is absolutely wrong. Pray God for all the things that He has given to us. Do not ask for anything, He knows what we need & when we need. Just an E.g., when we took birth, did we ask for or arranged for mother's milk, but God arranged it so sweetly that the mother's milk is not too sweet, not bitter, nor too hot, nor too cold. So when he did the very basic thing for us, why to ask thinks in our prayers.
Just thank Him for all the things, or do not pray at all. We will have to face things that have already designed for us. Before the birth things are always designed for us and on the basis of stars our life works




Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Kabir-dohe - 2

 पोथी पढ़ि पढ़ि जग मुआ, पंडित भया न कोय,
ढाई आखर प्रेम का, पढ़े सो पंडित होय।

Pothi padh-2 jag mua, pandit bhaya na koe,
dhai aakhar prem ka padhe so pandit hoe.

अर्थ : बड़ी बड़ी पुस्तकें पढ़ कर संसार में कितने ही लोग मृत्यु के द्वार पहुँच गए, पर सभी विद्वान न हो सके. कबीर मानते हैं कि यदि कोई प्रेम या प्यार के केवल ढाई अक्षर ही अच्छी तरह पढ़ ले, अर्थात प्यार का वास्तविक रूप पहचान ले तो वही सच्चा ज्ञानी होगा.

Reading books everyone died, none became any wise
One who reads the word of Love, only becomes wise - See more at:
 Meaning : Reading books everyone died, none became any wise,
                   One who read the word of love, only becomes wise

kabir-dohe - 1

 बुरा जो देखन मैं चला, बुरा न मिलिया कोय,
जो दिल खोजा आपना, मुझसे बुरा न कोय।

Bura jo dekhan main chala, bura na milya koe,
jo dil khoja aapna, mujhse bura na koe.

अर्थ : जब मैं इस संसार में बुराई खोजने चला तो मुझे कोई बुरा न मिला. जब मैंने अपने मन में झाँक कर देखा तो पाया कि मुझसे बुरा कोई नहीं है.

Meaning : When I searched for bad, I found no one, but when i searched inside me, i found no one more bad than myself. 

Its a super easy job to blame or criticize others. But the problem is not the world but you and your view. Remember famous saying on whether the glass is half filled or half empty.

Gandhiji also said, Be the change you want to see in others.